NYPD Negotiators Announcement and a LOCKDOWN Update

So... a funny thing happened on the way to LOCKDOWN's August 22nd release day...

Kensington Books published EXIT STRATEGY and SHOT CALLER under Jen J. Danna, but circumstances around the pandemic made it a challenging launch. However, now that I can brand the books as Sara Driscoll, they're entirely on board with the series, starting with the rebranding of EXIT STRATEGY and SHOT CALLER, and their amazing new covers that I told you about earlier this week:

Kensington knew about LOCKDOWN. My own kick-ass editor, James Abbate, came on board to edit it, so it was a polished, professional final self-published product at the same level as its Kensington predecessors. James loved the book, but while he had not been my editor at the time Kensington decided not to continue the series, he understood the reasoning. Publishing is a business, and if those companies can't turn a profit, they can't pay their own people. It's entirely reasonable.

But Ann's unfortunate passing and her son's gracious agreement that I should use the name solo from now on changed everything. I'm grateful to Ann for so many things—years of friendship and camaraderie, sharing her boundless knowledge about dogs, her amazing research skills, and razor sharp editor's pen—including her partnership in the Driscoll name. And now that I can continue to use the name, new doors have opened.

But it was a surprise when James contacted my agent and I yesterday with a Kensington deal for LOCKDOWN and book #4 in the NYPD Negotiators series in trade paperback, ebook, and audio. Needless to say, I'm thrilled. I always wanted to keep the series with Kensington, and now, here we are again. And book #4? AMAZING!

But that means a change in schedule for LOCKDOWN and a cancellation of the August 22nd self-publishing release. I'm so grateful to all who ran out and pre-ordered it on Wednesday after the link went live (how's that for timing?). I'll be cancelling that release later today and you'll get notification of it.

There is no hard and fast release date for LOCKDOWN because this deal is so new there's no official contract yet (I'm announcing on the deal memo, something I'd normally never do, but have James's approval because he understands we have to delay the release and you all deserve to know why), but Kensington will be aiming for early 2024. With THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE in November 2023, ECHOES of MEMORY in July 2024, and SUMMIT'S EDGE in November 2024, they want to drop LOCKDOWN in the space between THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE and ECHOES OF MEMORY. When I know the exact date and have new links, I'll let you know.

While I know this delay is disappointing to those who have already waited so long, the best part of this is that book #4 is now guaranteed to happen. I have that book in mind already, but being able to write it was going to be 100% dependent on LOCKDOWN doing well as a self-published title. And, in my experience, traditional sales are SIGNIFICANTLY superior to self-publishing sales, so I knew that book could be very much in question. And now it's not. If the storyline I have planned is approved by Kensington, this is going to be an extremely Gemma Capello and Sean Logan-centric story with huge stakes and tension. I'm looking forward to writing it!

While I'm sorry there will be a delay in the series, I'm excited that it will now be continuing for sure. Lots more Gemma and Logan to come! And, in the meantime, we still have the emotional journey that Meg, Hawk, and company will take in THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE in November. Can't wait to bring that one to you all!